Indiana Pundit


Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thoughts on Burg Leaving Taviano's Camp

When a campaign manager leaves a campaign one often hears "that campaign is in trouble." I've heard that several times in regards to David Burg leaving the Taviano camp as reported by FWOB. That assumption is not always correct.

It is often difficult to get local political people to run a hotly contested primary race. Being in the camp of a primary candidate can sometimes burn political bridges with those in opposite camps. For this reason a lot of campaigns will go outside the area and bring in a specialist for a primary race. But having an outside consultant in a general election may hurt a campaign come the fall.

Primaries and general elections have different strategies based on their different dynamics. They are in most aspects two seperate campaigns. So having a different campaign manager for each may actually benefit a campaign.

Burg's replacement is Suzzane M Runge. She was a candidate for the Democrats in 2002 in an unsuccessful bid to beat Bob Lee for county treasurer. She has the experience of a general election campaign for a countywide race.


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