Indiana Pundit


Tuesday, February 28, 2006

How to know you're in the prime time of campaign season

  1. You can't see on-coming traffic through the yard signs at the street corner.
  2. Candidates become longwinded and shortsighted.
  3. Steve and Kevin put on another production of War of the Roses
  4. The recycling center gives out a new bin to recycle campaign literature.
  5. Graham touts his pothole fixing record.
  6. You have a pre-recorded answer for pre-recorded phone calls.
  7. The newspaper gives a kiss of death to a GOP campaign by endorsing them.
  8. Your favorite campaign commercials are interupted by those pesky reality shows.


Blogger LP Mike Sylvester said...

9. People you do not know call and invite you to events you have never heard of.
10. People call you even though you are on the "Do not call list."
11. People call and want money to run their campaigns.
12. Candidates repeat campaign promises that they have repeatedly broken over the last four years.

1:02 PM  

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