Indiana Pundit


Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Democrats Attack Mitch Harper's Character

This website does its best to not do editorials concerning the opinions of others in our community. But this caught my attention over at the Democrat Party blog. and I thought it needed to be addressed.

Mitch Harper over at Fort Wayne Observed seems to get bad information- or perhaps he just likes to report things he knows are wrong. He is a known Republican who seems to "filter" what he prints- anything he thinks will favor the R's gets in, things that favor D's does not. I acknowledge that I am a political hack, but Mitch wants to be considered a "journalist", when he is nothing but a hack for the R's.

I have known Mitch for many years and consider him a friend. He is a well-respected leader in the community who holds the respect from people of all political persuations and allegiances.

While I understand that the quotation was made in a fit of frustration, the attack on Mitch's character as made by the Democratic party was unprofessional and libelous. People expect more from the organization made great by the likes of FDR and JFK.

An apology to Mr Harper should be in order.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stand by my statement.

Mitch frequently does not post my comments because they are not flattering to Republicans.

For example- he was critical of Pat Love using the City County Building for her campaign kick-off announcement.

But he will not print my post regarding Ken Fries using the COURTHOUSE interior for his campaign commercials?

Is that "fair and balanced"? You decide.

7:08 AM  
Blogger Doug said...

You've got a typo up there. "Democrat" isn't an adjective. You meant to type Democratic Party blog, I'm sure.

9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could it be because Kevin is known for lying to further his political parties goals.
Kevin alleges Kenny kept no swat team records. Kevin knowns that records were kept for the swat team, but they are not readily available by computer search because of the way the swat team is assigned to incidents. Tina already has copies of the swat team training records.
If Kevin was interested in the truth he'd be asking his own candidate why she has refused to complete manditory department training, is this her idea of leading by example.

1:08 PM  
Blogger Dan Turkette said...

Kevin should be working to promote his party, he's not. Kevin should be working on grooming new candidates, he's failed there as well. Instead he seems to place his efforts at taking jabs, digging dirt and throwing around what little political muscle he has.

He's often complained about Mitch be partisan at FWOb. Let me axe you a question Mr. Knuth. Who's paying Mitch's salary for his Blogging efforts? And who decided that Mitch needed to be non-partisan?

One more thing.. Bloggers are not journalist, but you enjoy tagging Mitch as a journalist. He has no more obligation to cover your opinion than any other Blogger.

3:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AWB- I agree- Mitch is NOT a Journalist.

Thanks for making my point!

7:35 PM  
Blogger LP Mike Sylvester said...

Kevin Knuth and AWB agreeing...

Am I dreaming?

Mike Sylvester
Fort Wayne Libertarian

10:22 PM  
Blogger Jeff Pruitt said...


Surely you jest. How was his character "attacked"? Is it truly a character flaw to be a Republican hack? That's news to me. But w/ all the ethical "lapses" within the local Republican party I suppose I can see why one would not want to be associated...

1:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Knuth has Kerryitis

8:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I noticed in the Democratic Party weblog that all but one post was complaining about Republicans (especially Souder)rather than any good work done by their own people or demonstrating the values for what they stand. If Democrats want to lead locally then they must choose to lead. Complaining about others doesn't amount to leadership.

8:50 AM  

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