Indiana Pundit


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Brown Flunks on Website

Now we've been generous on the grading scales at times when it comes to yard signs and websites. Out of all the grades given there had not been an F. That is until today.

The grade on Bill Brown's website (post) had been a D- because of several content and design factors. But sometime in March the site had gone down for maintenance and had never emerged.

If a campaign finds the need to redesign their website in the month prior to the primary or election, then they might as well not have one. This is a crucial period where voters are searching for information to compare candidates.

When a potential voter finds that a candidate's website is not accessible they come away with views on the candidte that the campaign would rather not have. The voter may feel that the candidate lacks follow-through, professionalism, and desire to be the elected official for the office he or she seeks. They are also less likely to search for more info about the candidate and they are more prone to ignore subsequent solicitations by that candidate's campaign.

Websites are quickly becoming less of a luxury for campaigns and more of a necessity. To neglect this aspect of your campaign can cost you the election.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go to The website has been up and has been providing good information. The old website you had on this blog was never released to Apparently you googled it from the development site and posted the link before it was complete. The website you had on here was not intended to be released. The website we have up is basic and it's way better than an F.
Bill Brown

8:35 PM  
Blogger Indiana Pundit said...

I go with the information I have until a campaign corrects me. I will look at the link and give a new review of the site.

Word of advice for the Brown campaign, have the old website give a blind link to the new website.

9:09 PM  

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