Indiana Pundit


Monday, May 01, 2006

In Case You Missed It

Kevin Leninger wrote a piece on the use of straw polls and blogs (link). Indiana Pundit was one that had been featured.

He thinks we do an injustice to the credibility of polling. I think there have been a number of other sources that have done a good enough job of that without the help of bloggers.

Its an insult to the intelligence of blog readers to say they are gullible enough to think these polls have any semblence of accuracy. Blogs have niche readership which automatically skews any polling numbers. The only statistical value of these polls is to see if a shift in opinion from our readership has occurred.

So why do it? Because it gives a way for our audience to interact with the website and feel like they participated in a campaign.

Lighten up Kevin. You're taking it too seriously.


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